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2022-07-23 08:47:19来源:
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于求一首歌 很强劲!方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于求一首歌 很强劲!方面...

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于求一首歌 很强劲!方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于求一首歌 很强劲!方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。

原版是4 Non Blondes 的《What's Up》


DJ Miko 的混音版下载:



Twenty - five years and my life is still


Trying to get up that great big hill of hope

For a destination


And I realized quickly when I knew I should

That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man

For whatever that means

And so I cry sometimes

When I'm lying in bed

Just to get it all out

What's in my head

And I am feeling a little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning

And I step outside

And I take a deep breath and I get real high

And I scream at the top of my lungs

What's going on?

And I say, hey hey hey hey

I said hey, what's going on?

Ooh, ooh ooh

And I try, oh my god do I try

I try all the time, in this institution

And I pray, oh my god do I pray

I pray every single day

For a revolution

And so I cry sometimes

When I'm lying in bed

Just to get it all out

What's in my head

And I am feeling a little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning

And I step outside

And I take a deep breath and I get real high

And I scream at the top of my lungs

What's going on?

And I say, hey hey hey hey

I said hey, what's going on?

Twenty - five years and my life is still

Trying to get up that great big hill of hope

For a destination



